We went to the vet today to get Angel’s blood work done, which is standard every week after the first chemo, I think. It felt good not to have any pressure going to the vet, as usually we are nervous about test results or some thing, but today it was just an in and out quick visit. Also, I went back to work for half a day today, and I go pretty much the rest of the week, so I am going through some Angelbop withdrawal. As she sleeps by my feet on her bed by the couch, her snoring somehow comforts me, and I remember that we need to appreciate every day and every minute to our fullest. Man I love this doggie!!!!
It was hard to go back to work! I was only able to get a couple days off and felt so guilty the first time back! I’m sure she’s doing nothing differently when we’re here or gone, but I felt I should have been here. We’ve been back to our normal schedule for a couple weeks and of course it’s gone fine. Nevada probably enjoys not having her parents hovering over her checking on her all the time! 🙂 I hope thing keep improving for Angelbop!